Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Abul Kashem Haider Essay Example for Free
Abul Kashem Haider Essay Early life Abul Kashem Haider, Chairman of the Youth Group was born in Mogdhara Union, Thana, Shandip, Zilla, Chittagong in 1st April 1954. His father Alhaj Sekander Hossain was an educationist and his mother Shafia Khatoon was a housewife. At that time, the education environment Of Shandip was very much discouraging. In most cases, schools colleges were far away and there were no regular means of transport. This had negative influence among the students making high rate of drop outs. He was the 4th issue of his parents. His father was very much conscious about the childrenââ¬â¢s education. For this reason, all the brothers sisters of Mr. Haider had to get themselves admitted into the schools and all of them were regular in their studies. Mrs Shafia Khatun like her husband was careful for the education particularly religious orientation of the children. Education life In 1959, Mr Haider was in the Daiter Goo Government Primary school which was two miles away from his house. He secured scholarship in the talent pool scheme for class V and was admitted into the Sandip High School. From this Mr. Raider passed the SSC examination in First Division with four letters. Alter that, in 1969 he was admitted in HSC class in science group in the Chittagong College. He was staying in a college hostel and was enjoying 3 stipends/scholarships at a time including the one from the Board. Though due in 1971, he appeared at the HSC final examination held delayed for the war of the liberation, in the year 1973 and was placed in First division with 3 letters. In the same year, he was admitted into the Dhaka University to study honours in Soil Science. In 1979, he passed the honours final examination and in the year 1981, [exam of 1980] he secured first class in his MSc examination in Soil Science. Service life Mr. Raider started his practical life with a Government job as a customs Intelligent Investigation Officer in the Anti- Corruption department of the GOB. He succeeded in arresting a big black marketer smuggler during a few months of his job. This made many of his colleagues angry and they had been non cooperating with him in the discharge of his duties. He, therefore, left the government job in 1982 and managed another job as an administrative officer in the Rabeta Vocational Institute with a monthly salary of Tk.1500/. Conjugal life While in Raheta service, he married in 1983 in Dhaka. His wife Mrs Afroza Khanam, D/o Mr Asaduzzaman, Headmaster of the Munshigonj Academy did her Hons. Masters degree from the Dhaka University. Mr. Raider is blessed with one son and two daughters. Business life He started his business life from 1982 when he was employee of Rabita. He jointly started a supply business with one of his friends named Mr Altaf. After some time from this business, he succeeded in saving some money. With the money that he saved from the supply business, he hired a shop in Kalyanpur. Income from the shop and salary from the job made him somehow maintain the family. Meanwhile, a stranger who introduced himself as Feroz came to meet Mr. Haider in an evening. Mr. Feroz intimated that three of them including Razzaqul Billah recently returned from Germany. They planned to begin a garments business but their saved money appeared to be inadequate for the purpose. Mr Feroz further told that he had heard of Mr Haider from some of his relations about Mr Haiderââ¬â¢ good connection with the Islami Bank Bangladesh limited [IBBL] from which they might have approached for required investment opportunity. That was how Mr. Haider made a Group with Mr. Firoz, Mr. Rezzaqul, Mr. BiIlah and started garments business with 31 machines only. The three started their business which was named as the Youth Group [YG] in 1985 was at 29 Air Port Road. As the size of the YG was small it was difficult to secure orders from the big parties. It is therefore, YG was looking for subcontract from some big suppliers. The first of the subcontracts was had from Mr Musa, proprietor of the Bon Garments [BG]. Seeing satisfactory transaction, BG offered the YG or the first time a L/C facility of $25 000. YG thus entered in the export market and earned substantial confidence. Mr. Raider thus with greater courage wanted to expand the group to supplement their own resources, Mr Raider of YG planned to approach the IBBL for an investment facility of Tk 11 lac. IBBL without mortgage refused to extend the facility. But none of the four partners at that time had any urban land to offer to the IBEL as mortgage. It could be remembered at some point that Razzaqulââ¬â¢s brother-law Mr Nur Safa at that time stayed in Dhanmondi and he had some urban land. All the four partners then went to him and requested Mr Nur Safa to become their partners and to offer his land as mortgage to manage an investment facility of tk 11 lac. from the IBBL Mr Nur Safa gladly gave the land documents to offer as mortgage but he refused to become one of the partners of the YG. That was how; YG expanded its business with IBBLââ¬â¢s investment facility of tk 11 lac. Thus, larger number of machinery and workforce could be arranged which enabled the YG to have bigger exports. YG was then desperately looking for reliable foreign buyers. In the process, a Korean company known as Kion Trading Co. Ltd. [KTCL] appeared as the first direct foreign buyer from the YG. Since then till writing this report, Mr. Raider and their YG, was continuously expanding the volume of both production and exports without a major failure. In 1984, YG established Dewan Garments in Fatullah and also in the same year bought Chowdhury Apparels (Pvt) Limited. In 1985, YG set up Panorama Printers which afterwards with the assistance advice of the KTCL converted into Kion Trading Packaging Industry in 1986. As there was no such industry in the country then this unit was making very satisfactory business with monopoly. In 1988, Mr. Haiderââ¬â¢s YG managed to buy the South East Fabrics [SEE] that was located in Tangail. With aggressive efforts, the SEF was converted into 100% export oriented Towel Factory. Three years after in 1991, YG purchased the Kanchpur, Sonapur,Narayangonj Impact Thread Ltd which was exporting its 100% threads outside the country. Two years after in 1993, YG was able to buy three more industrial units; [i] the Unicom Textile Mills Limited; [ii] Dewan Apperals and the [iii] Youth Fashions limited. In the same year [1993], YG set up a buying house under the style Fair Deal Enterprise. In the year following [1994], YG bought a piece of land in Sewrapara and succeeded in building its own 10-storied building known as the Youth Tower in which the Group Head Office and gradually other units of the Group were transferred. All the units of the YG since 1996 have been engaging in 100% export business. YG succeeded in exporting goods to the tune of tk. 145 crore in the financial year 1999-2000. In 1998, YG set up the Global Beverage Company Limited [GBCL], the factory of which is located in Gazipur. The GBCL was developed in collaboration with the Virgin Group of the U K- the later allowing the former in producing marketing four types of drinks in the local market, Virgin Cola, Virgin Orange, Virgin Lemon and Virgin Diet, YG since 1999, has been marketing these brands of beverages in the local market. YG is planning to make further access to a number of sectors like: food, medicine and mediaand the like. Hurdles Faced Overcome: Mr. Haider indicated with irritation that currently, there is the need for bureaucratic formalities of loitering in 17 points to secure licenses for a factory. Frequent changes in GOB policies with regard to import- export besides industrial matters cause the entrepreneurs face newer problems. He also indicated the non-cooperation of the public offices, corruptions, bribes kick-backs required to make the files move, political instability, poor law order situations, the need for making regular forced subscriptions, labor troubles, port troubles, transport communication inefficiencies as the main hurdles standing in the way of smooth industrialization of the country. Factors that made the YG and Mr Haider Succeed: Mr. Haider sincerely admitted that the group of four their YG succeeded primarily because of two reasons: [a] tax- holiday organized assistance allowed by the GOB and [b] sympathetic liberal investments provided by the IBBL.Mr. Raider confidently said that YG never failed in making timely repayments to the IBBL, never waited for reminders and undue adjustments. A number of both internal as well as external factors were also hinted by Mr. Haider for his rise as an entrepreneur: (i). Unique trusts, confidence understanding among the partners; (ii). Austerity in using business resources by the partners rather unfailing emphasis on the continuous ploughing back of the surplus in the business; (iii). All the partners maintained cautiousness to stay away from avoidable political involvements; (iv). Maintaining a simple life style with religious flavor. (v). Careful and calculated attempts avoiding restless desire to become rich over night
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Wonderful Bedroom Essays -- Descriptive Essay Examples, Observation
The Wonderful Bedroom Have you ever wondered how something so simple as your bedroom could have so much meaning? How a place where one usually just sleeps and doesn't return until the next night, could be so special to someone? It does make one think, once stopped and thought about. To some, it means as much as a gym does to a basketball player or as much as a tree does to a monkey. But then there are also those who still think of their bedroom as just a place to sleep and prepare themselves. I guess things have different meanings for each person, but for many including myself, their bedroom ranks near the top of the list. A bedroom is meaningful because often it is where one grows up, where lots of time is spent, and where one can bring out there inner-most self. A bedroom is not something that changes from day to day, but rather something that is pretty permanent. Many people grow up in the same room that they spend the first part of their life in. It is something that people grow attached to and become accustomed to, like a college student becomes accustomed to studying. For this factor, change is not so much a good thing but rather a thing of frustration. It is nice to have a place to call home, and better yet, a place to call one's own bedroom. Once one is settled, it is usually of best nature to stay settled. Through this settlement, it is easiest to see how much of importance one's bedroom may mean to them. My bedroom has meant a lot to me due to the fact that I have been in the same place for the majority of my years. Another important reason on this subject is that there is usually a lot of time spent in one's own room Besides the ten hours of sleep everyone gets a night in their room, there is often a gr... ...all sorts of things to do and eventually time slips away along with the boredom. A bedroom is full of wonderful surprises and often has much more meaning than one may imagine. In just a simple little corner of a house, it can tell you so much about a person. Is the person a pack rat, organized, and clean, or are they simple-minded, just waiting to open their eyes and explore? Perhaps there are things that go far and beyond the word "special". A room can tell ones whole life story, but yet again maybe it is just thought of as a place to catch some Z's. No matter what the case, this simple little place they call one's bedroom can and usually does have much meaning. So, next time you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep, ask yourself, does my room really have much meaning to me, and if so, how much, or am I just thankful for this comfortable bed to sleep on? Ã The Wonderful Bedroom Essays -- Descriptive Essay Examples, Observation The Wonderful Bedroom Have you ever wondered how something so simple as your bedroom could have so much meaning? How a place where one usually just sleeps and doesn't return until the next night, could be so special to someone? It does make one think, once stopped and thought about. To some, it means as much as a gym does to a basketball player or as much as a tree does to a monkey. But then there are also those who still think of their bedroom as just a place to sleep and prepare themselves. I guess things have different meanings for each person, but for many including myself, their bedroom ranks near the top of the list. A bedroom is meaningful because often it is where one grows up, where lots of time is spent, and where one can bring out there inner-most self. A bedroom is not something that changes from day to day, but rather something that is pretty permanent. Many people grow up in the same room that they spend the first part of their life in. It is something that people grow attached to and become accustomed to, like a college student becomes accustomed to studying. For this factor, change is not so much a good thing but rather a thing of frustration. It is nice to have a place to call home, and better yet, a place to call one's own bedroom. Once one is settled, it is usually of best nature to stay settled. Through this settlement, it is easiest to see how much of importance one's bedroom may mean to them. My bedroom has meant a lot to me due to the fact that I have been in the same place for the majority of my years. Another important reason on this subject is that there is usually a lot of time spent in one's own room Besides the ten hours of sleep everyone gets a night in their room, there is often a gr... ...all sorts of things to do and eventually time slips away along with the boredom. A bedroom is full of wonderful surprises and often has much more meaning than one may imagine. In just a simple little corner of a house, it can tell you so much about a person. Is the person a pack rat, organized, and clean, or are they simple-minded, just waiting to open their eyes and explore? Perhaps there are things that go far and beyond the word "special". A room can tell ones whole life story, but yet again maybe it is just thought of as a place to catch some Z's. No matter what the case, this simple little place they call one's bedroom can and usually does have much meaning. So, next time you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep, ask yourself, does my room really have much meaning to me, and if so, how much, or am I just thankful for this comfortable bed to sleep on? Ã
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Health Care Spending
Health Care Spending Paper Rosie L. Eckford HCS/440 ââ¬â ECONOMICS: THE FINANCING OF HEALTH CARE July 2, 2012 Instructor: Lori Geddes Healthcare is a very important sector in the countries around the world. The countries and the government always keep some money in their budget in relation to the health care activities in their countries. In the United States of America also, there are certain provisions in relation to the health care. The paper shall discuss about the health care spending in relation to United States of America.It shall discuss about the current level of health care expenditure in United States of America. There are shall be a lot of discussion in relation to the fact that whether the expenditure on health care in United States of America is appropriate or not. It shall also discuss about the manner in which the health care needs of the people in United States of America are paid by the government. In the end of the paper, there shall be a forecast in relation t o the health care spending in United States of America.All the above said things shall be discussed in detail in the current paper. The government of United States of America has made a lot of provisions in relation to the expenditure of health care facilities in United States of America. In the United States of America, the health care spending has been increasing continuously (Hawe, 2008). There have been a lot of funds kept by the government of United States of America in its budget in relation to the health care services.In the year 1990, the expenditure made by the government of United States of America in relation to the health care spending was $714 million. Since then, the amount of expenditure on health care has increase to $2. 3 trillion. This is around 3 times of what it was in the year 1990. The government of United States of America is spending around 16% of its total gross domestic production on providing the health care facilities to the people. It is estimated that a round $7600 are spent by the government ofUnited States of America for each and every resident in the country. In this way, it can be said that the expenditure in relation to health care in United States of America is quite good and the country is taking adequate steps for making sure that adequate health care facilities are provided to the people in a proper and appropriate manner. The health care spending of the United States of America is the highest all around the world. There is no problem with the extent of money spend by the country towards the health care.Other countries around the world are also spending some money towards the health care but the expenditure made by the government of United States of America is the highest. Currently the expenditure incurred in United States of America towards is adequate and appropriate. It has to increase only with the increase in population. According to the per capita expenditure, the current expenditure in the country towards the healt hcare is appropriate. When the country makes the budget in relation to the health care expenditure, then it has to take care that adequate expenditure is incurred on each and every activity related to health care.The government of United States of America should make sure that it spends appropriate expenditure on each and every area of the health care. The expenditure should be more on the critical areas and it should be reduced on the areas which are not very difficult to handle for the government. The government of United States of America should make sure that it increases the expenditure of the health insurance of those people which are not in a position to afford the costs for themselves (U. S. Health Care Costs, n. d. ).The government should also increase the expenditure in relation to the funds provided to the health care organizations for providing the benefits to the poor people in the United States of America. The government of United States of America should also increase the expenditure in relation to some specific and high risk diseases such as Cancer, Aids etc. If the expenditure shall be reduced in relation to the above said activities then, there is a possibility that the people in United States of America shall be benefitted to a very high extent.Other than the above areas, there are certain areas in which the government of United States of America should look to reduce the expenditure. The cost on some of the areas in the health care should not be reduced to the extent it hampers the health care services. If there is a requirement to reduce the health care costs then, these should be reduced only till the services are not affected in a negative manner. The areas in which unnecessary costs are incurred by the government should be recognized and the costs should be reduced in those areas.In the United States of America, there are adequate sources used for the purpose of financing the health care services in the country. In the country, the fund ing for the health care services is done together by the government and the non government agencies in the country. While preparing the budget, the government of United States of America keeps a percentage of funds in relation to providing the health care services to the people who are in need and also the people which are not able to have the health care insurance for themselves. Related essay: Advantages of Free Health CareOther than the government of United States of America, there are various other forms of associations which work for the purpose of providing the health care services to the people. They not only provide the health care services but also provide the financial for the insurance of the patients. There are few programs also in relation to the same. The programs include Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program, Community Health Accreditation Program and various other programs. The health care finance in the United States of America are funded by the above said facilities and things.In the United States of America, the government and the non government associations share 50% of the expenditure each. In this way, there is a proper sharing the expenditure. For the last few years, the healthcare expenditure in United States of America has been increased considerably at an increasing rate. It is expected that the healthcare expenditure in United States of America shall increase in the same rate as it was increasing earlier (Scambler, 2008). In the year 2007, the health care expenditure in United States of America was $2. 2 trillion.This amount increased to $2. 3 trillion in the financial year 2008. In this way, there was a definite increase in the health care expenditure in the two years. It is expected that the health care expenditure will grow even more. In the year 2013, the healthcare expenditure is expected to reach the figure of $3 trillion and in the year 2017, it is expected that the health care expenditure shall reach the figure of $4. 3 trillion. In this way, it can be said that there is a forecast of increased expenditure on health care in the years to come.The chart below provides the forecast for health care in a proper manner. This chart is showing the healthcare expenditure in United States of America. The government of United States of America is spending a lot of money on the healthcare services in the coun try. With the kind of expenditure, the government of United States of America is spending on the health care facilities in the country, it can be said that the government is spending sufficient amount of money on the health care facilities.For the last many years, there has been an increase in the health care spending in United States of America. With this, it can be projected that the expenditure on health care shall increase to the extent of $4. 3 trillion by 2017. References Scambler, G. (2008). Sociology as Applied to Medicine. (6th ed. ), Elsevier Health Sciences. Hawe, E. (2008). Compendium of Health Statistics. (19th ed. ), Radcliffe Publishing. U. S. Health Care Costs. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 18, 2011 from http://www. kaiseredu. org/Issue-Modules/US-Health-Care-Costs/Background-Brief. aspx
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fossil Fuels - 1260 Words
Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals, and great sources of energy and great sources of pollution. Fossil fuels are used to power a lot of things, including vehicles, heat homes, industries, manufacturing, and for electricity. Primarily used fossil fuels are coal, natural gas, and oil, these fossil fuels are dangerous to the environment. When fossil fuels are burned, it emits harmful gases in the environment like greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases are gases that traps the heat, and can cause climate change like global warming, rising sea levels, acid rain, and many more. Basically fossil fuels are bad, but can alternative energyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Solar energy comes from the sun and many living organisms depend on solar energy, like plant, aquatic life and animals. Solar energy is mainly used to generate heat and light. ââ¬Å"Solar energy coming down to the planet i s affected by the orbital path of the sun and its variations within the galaxyâ⬠according to Rinkesh. Rinkesh also wrote that solar energy was ââ¬Å"believed to have been responsible for the breaking of ice during the ice age, which creates the separation of lands and sea.â⬠Anyway about seventy percent of the sunlight gets reflected back into space and thirty percent of the sunlight to create energy for the nations energy demands. There are two kinds of solar energy, the active solar energy and passive solar energy. Passive solar energy uses duration, position and sunââ¬â¢s rays intensity to its advantage in heating a particular area. Active solar energy uses electrical technology and mechanical technology. Solar energy is an effective alternative for fossil fuels because it does not create pollution and is also renewable. Wind energy is also a popular alternative energy source that have been used for centuries. It was used to power ship and made it possible for exp lorers to sail long distant lands. Wind energy that can be used to power things are created with windmills, ââ¬Å"a single windmill can power crop irrigation, and the family energy needs, water pumping and electric lightsâ⬠according to RinkeshShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels1073 Words à |à 5 PagesAdvantages of fossil fuels * major advantage of fossil fuels is their capacity to generate huge amounts of electricity in just a single location.à * Fossil fuels are very easy to find.à * When coal is used in power plants, they are very cost effective. 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The topics that will be talked about is the problem of fossil fuels, advantagesRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Fossil Fuels743 Words à |à 3 PagesAdvantages and Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Fossil Fuels A major advantage of fossil fuels is their capacity to generate large amounts of electricity. Furthermore, they are easy to locate. When coal is used in power plants, they are cost effective. Coal is also in abundant supply. Power plants that utilize gas are very efficient and power stations that make use of fossil fuel can be constructed almost anywhere. (Origin, 2015) Fossil fuels are a non-renewable energy resource. TheyRead MoreFossil Fuels ( Oil, Coal, Natural Gas )1743 Words à |à 7 Pages Fossil Fuels (Oil, Coal, Natural Gas) Debbie Burrell SCI2000 Gwynedd Mercy University Abstract Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy that were form billions of years ago. The three different types of fossil fuels in the world include: oil, coal and natural gas. 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This research shows how the fossil fuels are formed, where they could be found, and explain how they were formed over millions of years. This paper will show the numerous advantages of fossil fuels compared to the disadvantages and how they are hurting the Earth. Fossils fuels are critical to the function of everyday life. The world would be a different if fossil fuels and their uses were not to of use. Read MoreNuclear Energy And Fossil Fuel992 Words à |à 4 Pagesdebate on what is better the use of nuclear energy or the using of fossil fuel? People over the years have been debating on a realistic way on saving energy but also having an efficient amount of energy to generate millions of homes and places. The two sources of energy that are mostly used are nuclear energy and fossil fuels. Often people say that nuclear energy is the best approach while others believe it is the burning of fossil fuels. These two sources of energy have their own pros and cons whenRead MoreThe Cost Of Fossil Fuels1147 Words à |à 5 PagesBaby Steps are being taken but it is not enough. Advantages/ Disadvantages of Fossil fuels There are many advantages of fossil fuels. For one, it is highly efficient. Fossil fuels have a high calorific value and produce an abundance of energy. Also, Fossil fuels are very stable and naturally are obtained from our earth. Fossil Fuels are available in a high abundance. Certainly, transportation of energy is important. Fortunately, fossil fuels are easily transported throughout the entire world.Read MoreEssay about Renewable and Clean Energy1611 Words à |à 7 PagesAs these days global warming, pollutions and fuel shortages are getting more and more serious through time, renewable and clean energy is increasingly the ideal solution to energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is currently one of the mainstream and highly supported solutions, an idea to make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugarcane. Biofuels, unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people, contains the potentialRead MoreFossil F uels Is A Nonrenewable Resource1622 Words à |à 7 PagesFossil Fuels Fossil fuels is a nonrenewable resource found in many different locations such as Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Darussalam , Trinidad and Tobago, Bahrain, Algeria and Libya. They are formed from the remains of fossil plant and animal life. We use fossil fuels to power our cars and airplanes, medicine, makeup, and to run many different types of appliances. Many products that are used everyday wouldnââ¬â¢t be available without the oil and gas extracted and processed from fossil
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